Changes to Google Ads and Marketing Platform

2 October 2018
Starting July 24th 2018 Google re-branded its advertising service from “Google Adwords” to simply “Google Ads”. According to Google, this decision was made in order to simplify its advertising platform and provide more automated features to help businesses and marketers easily launch and track their ad campaigns.

In contrast to its predecessor, “Google Ads” is more focused on enhancing the advertising experience. To accomplish this goal, the service has been re-branded to include all of Google’s advertising capabilities under 3 new “brands” i.e. Google Ads, Google Ad Manager and Google Marketing Platform.

What do I need to know about the AdWords to Ads changes?

The platform itself has undergone a branding change, as well as a structural change. Some utilities will not be where you once found them, and other Google brands have been discontinued altogether or merged with other products.

Google Ads

Google Ads involves all of Google’s advertising formats wrapped up in one “brand” to help advertisers take advantage of the over 3.5 billion Google searches that happen daily. Under Google Ads, marketers and businesses have the option of choosing text-based ads, YouTube ads, in-app ads, graphic display ads e.t.c. and use their preferred parameters to obtain desired results.

Google Ad Manager

In the recent change, Google merged DoubleClick for Publishers and DoubleClick Ad Exchange to create Google Ad Manager. This unified platform provides enhanced user and ad experiences to help small businesses better structure their ads for optimal performance and earn them [Google partners] more money

Google Marketing Platform

This “brand” constitutes both Analytics 360 and DoubleClick tools under a single label. By merging the two separate tools Google makes it easier for small businesses to execute highly-targeted ad campaigns from a single location.

What other changes do I need to know about?

1.Change in layout.

Google Ads rests on a sleek and intuitive interface. This is a far cry from the previous clunky Adwords UI that was characterized with difficult to navigate menus and unattractive shades of grey.
The new layout is also super user friendly. It contains robust recommendations to help advertisers navigate the platform and carry out specific actions. Users also have the option of customizing their dashboard i.e. mix and match the different data fields in various combinations in a form that will help them better develop strategies to meet their performance goals.

2.Change in partner’s program

In the Google Ads experience, most of the features of Google partners are available. However, some have been scrapped altogether i.e. Leads, Google Partner Search and Insights.

    • Leads – In the new UI users are not able to use the “Leads Page” to view or contact advertisers. However, information about previous leads is still accessible.
    • Google Partner – Google partner search results, entry pages, navigation elements and filters are no longer available.
    • Insights – Users can no longer access documents from the “Insights” section. Instead, marketing trends and insights have been moved to

3. Google Assistant & Mobile Friendly

Google Ads also involves Google Assistant to make it easier to manipulate the service directly from a mobile device. In addition, Google Ads also includes more mobile features and comes with a wide variety of extensions.

By segmenting the different advertising capabilities under 3 main umbrellas and also including new features, Google has eliminated the confusion that was initially on their platform and made it much easier for marketers to advertise their products and meet the needs of the ever-increasing data-conscious population.

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