Social Distancing and Working from Home

23 April 2020

How many of you thought your 2020 would look like this? Not many, right? Working from home, or not working at all due to a global pandemic. This is something that seems straight out of a movie plot. (So, so many movie and book plots – Here’s Stephen King’s apology)

When something happens that we can’t change – a lot of the emotions we have, are of resistance. Many of the stages you go through will be similar to grief. Grief that your life has been changed in a way contrary to your plans, and grief for the future that you can no longer foresee. Here at Mash Media – our Mashies are all working from home so that we can still help our clients keep their businesses going, while also protecting our own health. It’s not all smooth sailing! Adjustments had to be made, and through working together and sharing tips, we’ve all managed to stay (relatively) sane! Have a read of some of our team’s coping strategies.

Sharney Ryan – Managing Director:

Working from home with 2 toddlers can definitely be challenging. For me the key has been communicating with all stakeholders, so they know what you are up to and the best times/ways to get in touch with you. Secondly, make a list and prioritise tasks. It is very satisfying to tick things off the list and helps you to feel more productive.

Some situations in life we can’t change, such as having to work from home due to a global pandemic, but rather than stressing over these things, try and look for the positives in your new working environment, better coffee, less commuting, the ability to work in your pj’s perhaps and always keep in mind there are others in less fortunate positions, so stay focused, stay positive and know that we will all get through this together.


Bec Caldwell – Project Manager:

Make your working environment as comfortable as possible. It might not be possible to get it as ergonomically perfect or segregated from the rest of the house, but do your best, and don’t use it for recreational purposes like your personal internet browsing.

Talk to your house plants and pets as if they are co-workers. Don’t have any? Get a plant, they are cheap and easy to look after and you will have something in progress that doesn’t hinge on you learning a completely new thing.

Eat your lunch outside if you can. If you have an area at home you can get to see nature, or go on a walk and eat as you stroll it will reset your mind and anxiety a little.

Don’t feel bad for declining to Zoom/Skype with people. I’ve found myself in MORE contact with people because of isolation as many people can’t cope with the lack of interaction, but there is such a thing as protecting your solitude, even when we crave human contact.

Veronica Ryan – Local SEO Specialist:

Look at your home in a new light. How would it look to someone from a third world country? Or
someone who is homeless?

Take time to get outside every day. While you’re there have a good look around. Look at the sky, the buildings and trees, the garden and take a few deep breaths. Close your eyes and think about how the sun / wind feels on your face and take in the smell of whatever is around.

Appreciate that you are alive and have a place to call home. Appreciate that you are lucky enough to live in Oz. Be grateful you don’t live in Italy, Spain, London or New York. Appreciate all the good things in your life, family, friends, health, home and anything else you can think of.

Do some online virtual travel, take yourself on a trip by going through past travel photos. We take them then never look at them again.
Avoid watching or listening to the news, it is depressing!

Aiden Tallo – Brand Manager:
Working from home can be challenging especially when you are surrounded by the comforts of a “home” – privacy, family, bed, food, etc. With these, there is a possibility of productivity loss.

What helped me maintain productivity is observing regular hours. This includes setting a work & break schedule and sticking to it. It doesn’t need to be perfect but sticking to a schedule really helps in maintaining work-life balance.

For those who are sharing space with other people, I find it helpful to set rules with them especially during your work hours. They need to understand that your interaction with them may be limited. In line with this, having a dedicated office space would be of great help.

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