Your marketing agency can be so much more than just a service provider. They should be central to taking your business to the next level. Unfortunately, this is rare. One shocking reason might be that you, the client, aren’t engaging with your marketers effectively. This is Part 2 of our look at clear agency-client collaboration.
Get the best from your marketing agency: Part 1
Sadly, few companies really get the best from their marketing agency. It’s not anyone’s fault specifically. You’re all working as hard as possible. The reason is the radio interference between how you both work together. This is Part 1 of 2 of an investigation into how you, the client, can cut through the static.
Why LinkedIn hashtags are finally worth it
Ever tried to make an impact on LinkedIn for a certain topic, but not made headway? It had been difficult because for so long LinkedIn wasn’t all that happy with hashtags. That’s changed.
6 tips to keep you on top of your social media presence
When you take your business into the realms of social media, there are a lot of things that can go right and a lot of things that can go wrong. How do you keep everything upright when you cannot 100% control the situation?
Social Media Is Counting On Your Friends
In many businesses, the people who really control the social media presence aren't the creative directors, rather they are the people who control the social media department's budget. Often, their way of determining whether social media is worth it isn't a system...